We mentioned in the past that we both work in the business sector of companies.Which means, we sit at a desk for a good portion of our work day. The lack of activity combine with the endless surprise treats in the coffee room and communite ride home, let just say, it’s easy to gain weight. It is the freshman 15 all over again, but no one even seems to mind.
So here are 5 easy habits to prevent weight gain or lose weight when adding in exercise and a healthy diet. This also can be useful for students who, like us, sit at a library desk for possibly more hours.
Take Walks
Move the legs and not just the hands. Walking is great way to burn a few calories and offsets the hours of inactivity. Taking walks not only gets the body moving, but helps clear the mind, as well as a pick-me-up to the afternoon slump. Take a long walk before or after lunch. If not enough time, take a mini walk around the office every hour.
Avoid Sugar
Yes, I know those office donuts or bagels that your co-worker brought in are tempting, but AVOID it! Try seeing sugar as a quick energy source and if you don’t use that energy, it stores as fat. Not to mention the sugar crashes that follow. By just avoiding those types of carbs, you will not only look better, but feel better. If the temptation is hard, try eating fruit or those mini dark chocolate to satisfy the temptation.
Bring Your Own Lunch
This is the obvious, yet hardest thing for most people to do. But as somebody who brings there lunch 4 out of 5 days a week, I know its possible. It takes time to make it a habit, but commit to doing it for a month. Or like myself, I started with two days, then three, and eventually to four days. There are many great meal plans out there. I really love “The Domestic Greek” weekly meal plan video for a tasty ideas.
Portion Out Snacks and Meals
This is great for those who always feel hungry. I am one of those. Therefore it is best to measure out snacks and meals beforehand to be aware of what you are eating. For my two meals, I stick to 4oz of protein, tons of veggies, and 4oz/150g of a complex carb. As my snacks I have 1oz of a healthy fats. This is how I keep myself satisfied, but do what works best for you. I do recommend sticking to healthy fats, proteins, fiberous carbs as these are slow burning energy sources.
Drink Plenty of Water
This is without a doubt the most important habit in any type of job. The recommend amount is two liters/half a gallon or for easy math 8 tall glasses of water. There are so many benefits of drinking water. Some are weight-loss, detox, clear skin, so on (here is list). Just drink it!