There is a plenty of information on self improvement, from books, podcasts, seminars, and even YouTube videos. The information is everywhere that you can easily become obsessed and likely overwhelmed. This is exactly what happened to me, so I took a hiatus from all life coaching content. I wanted time to figure out what I really needed to work on. Last month I stumbled about an obvious point, but a good starting place. One of the key ways to improve is to improve your self-concept.
Your self-concept is your pattern of thinking. For example how you handle a situation, what you deserve, what people think about you, and most important who you think you are. This can be applied to your career and where you think you should be at in your field.
One of my biggest problems is constant thinking of all my weakness, and how they hinder me in my personal and career life. I tell myself that I’m being realistic. The issue with this is that until I change my mindset I will never change my actions, and therefore change the way people perceive me. So rather than focusing on past experience that validate my weakness, I should focus on the times that proved them wrong. Then constantly remind myself that those are not my weaknesses, and start doing actions to prove it.
The photos are from our time spent at the Antelope Poppy Reserve in Lompoc, California.