If you’re new to lifting or looking to switch up your workouts, a weight lifting template that will help provide structure. It is a simple format that I use to plan out workouts. It allows flexibility and targets almost every muscle group. However it is geared to women, since its focused on building the muscle groups more concerning to us.
The is a split-routine workouts. This workout template is by no means a standard, so find what works best for you. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment or email and we will get back to you.
Workout #1: Shoulders & Chest
- 1 Chest Press- dumbbell, barbell, machine
- 1 Chest Fly- cable crossovers, butterfly, dumbbell flys, push-up variation
- 1-2 Shoulder Press Exercises- military press, arnold press, dumbbell press, barbell press
- 1-2 Side Lateral Raises Variations- dumbbell, cable, machine
- 1 Front Deltoid or Trap Exercise- front db raises, cable front raises, barbell upright rows, shrugs
- Note: For chest exercises switch up bench variations of decline, incline or laying
Workout #2: Glutes and Hamstrings
- 1-2 Dead Lift Variations- barbell, romanian, sumo, DB deadlifts, stiff leg
- 1-2 Compound Exercises- wide squats, leg press, hack squat, DB Lunges, split squats
- 1 Glute Isolation Exercise- hip thrust, reverse hyperextension, cable pull through
- 1-2 Kickback Variations- cable, glute kick back, or any kickback machine
- 1 Hip Exercise- abductor machine, adductor machine, curtsy lunge, cable hip raises, fire hydrants
- 1 Plyometric- squat jumps, skater jumps, step ups, box jumps, single leg push-off
Workout #3: Back
- 1-2 Lat Pull-down Variation- wide grip, close grip, underhand, one arm, behind the neck, v-bar
- 2 Row Variation- cable row, barbell row, two DB row, t-bar row, leverage iso row, bent one arm row
- 1 Pull-up Variation- regular, chin-up, neutral grip,wide grip, inverted row
- 1 Lower Back Exercise (good morning, hyperextension, seated extension, supermans
- 1-2 Upper Back Exercises- DB reverse flyes, cable rear delt, face pulls, reverse machine fly
Workout #4: Cardio
- 30-45 mins Long Steady State Cardio
- 3 Ab Exercises
- Stretching: Foam Rolling or Yoga
Workout #5: Overall Leg
- 1-2 Squat Variations- barbell squats,front barbell squats, pile squats
- 1-2 Compound Exercises- wide squats, leg press, hack squat, DB Lunges, split squats, DB deadlift
- Leg Extensions- seated, single leg
- Leg Curls- laying, seated, standing
- Calves Exercise- smith machine, standing raises, calf press, leg press, seated raises
- Ab Exercise- plank, ab roller, cable crunch
Workout #6: Arms
- 1 Cable Bicep Curl- standing bicep curl, one arm, overhead, reverse, lying close grip
- 1-2 Other Bicep Curl- barbell curl, DB curl, alternate DB, preacher curl, concentrated
- 1 Hammer Bicep Curl- regular, alternate, cross body, preacher, cable
- 1 Cable Triceps Push-downs- push-down exercise switch up the bars: V bar, straight bars
- 1 Triceps Overhead or Extension- skull crushers, one arm, DB overhead ext, Rope overhead ext
- 1-2 Triceps Exercises- kickbacks, bench dips, body-up, close DB press, close grip bench press, dips
For Weight Loss
- Add additional cardio: 15-30 mins every workout (except workout#4) and two 15-30 mins HITT workouts
- Higher reps, lower weight with less rest between sets
- Super-set exercise or perform a circuit with exercises
- Can substitute or reduce arm workout with additional cardio
For Muscle Mass
- Add additional two 15-30 HITT workout
- Lower reps, higher weight, and more rest for recovery
- Challenge muscles with drop sets, pyramids, twenty ones, high volume sets
- Can substitute or reduce arm workout for additional workout to a problem area