Wow, it has been a couple of months since we have last posted…and we’re back! While we love sharing helpful information and posting about our lives, at times it’s hard to balance life and the blog. Like we have shared in the past, balance doesn’t mean having time for everything but prioritizing what is important. So where have we been these last months?
Denise has moved out to orange county and has been planning for her wedding. The most exciting part, she applied and got accepted to an MBA program!!! She will be attending her master program at the University of Colorado. And because she will start school in August, she wanted to use this time to check off her wedding to-do list. She has also been getting certification for online marketing.
As for me, Daniela, I wish I could say I was being as productive as Denise, except I have not. I spent most of the time dealing with morning sickness and feeling tired. Yes, that is right, I am pregnant! Our baby is due this fall and we couldn’t be more excited. It is the first baby in our family so my parents and the entire family is thrilled. So between feeling nauseous and working, I still have managed to help my husband run our fitness studio. Starting a business isn’t easy, but it has been fulfilling.
So be expecting more baby post, healthy and easy recipes, simple DIYs, as well as other great tips to get more done in less time. Stick around and we have been planning great post, that will be soon to come.