Every good training program should include three things to ensure proper recovery. One is stretching, incorporating cool-down exercise after workouts and foam rolling. Second is sleep to allow the muscles to recover by promoting protein synthesis and releasing human growth hormones. Lastly, post-workout meals that boost energy level, stimulates protein synthesis and reduces muscle fatigue. For the first recovery tip, we have great foam rolling post that guides you through a routine. We all know how to sleep, but we can share our way of prepping for a good night sleep. Comment below if you would like sleep prepping tips. The last let me share three quick, easy post-workout meals to prepare when you are a busy woman on the go.
- 1 cup of Cottage cheese and 1/3 cup of berries – Casin protein and fat found in cottage cheese releases the amino and nutrients slowly to keep the body longer in an anabolic state. Berries have minimal sugar, and enough carbs to increase glycogen.
- 1 cup of high protein milk and 1/4 of oatmeal – Milk, like Fairlife or low carb options, are a great alternative to protein powder. While protein powder has their place, it is better to choose a natural option. While all milk is good, thesesmilk have been extra filtered, so it is higher amounts of protein.
- Beans and Rice – This combo is a complete protein option for vegans. The combo is both high in protein and carbs for glycogen. If you want to know what makes a complete protein, read here.
- 4 oz White Meat and 1/4 cup of rice – There is a reason, why chicken or turkey is the option for most bodybuilders. It is easy to prep a lot of chicken, and rice, and can last through out a couple of days.