Looking for ways to lose weight steadily without going to crazy intense diet and exercise routine. My go to ways of preventing weight gain over the last years is to follow 5 simple rules. These rules are easy enough to follow without forcing yourself to change your lifestyle. Even taking small steps to incorporate these rules can lead you to be a healthier, skinnier you.
- Avoid Hidden Sugars – Sugar for most people is the biggest culprit in weight gain, and often not even aware when we are eating it. You will find high sugar content in most sauces and dressings, in drinks (juices, performance drinks, and soft drinks) and used as a preservative for many foods. Just take a look at the ingredients list of a frozen chicken package, you’ll find sugar. Small simple way to lose weight is to check labels in foods and limit sugar to 10-15 grams a sitting. And when you are eating out, just ask for sauces and dressing on the side. Then you can add 2-3 spoonful yourself.
- Don’t be Afraid of Fats – Fats is an easy way to feel satiated for a longer period of time. Because fats are denser than carbs and protein, it’s slow digesting. When you are cooking, don’t be afraid of adding a dash of olive oil or coconut oil to each meal. Without even noticing it, you will not be as hungry.
- Always Choose the Most Natural Option – When deciding on what to eat, for snack or meals, choose the ones with the simplest ingredients. It does not have to be salads, but a meal with a mix of meats, good fats (avocado, nuts, etc.) and vegetables. Here are a few blog post on healthy snacks options and staying healthy when dining out.
- Drinking Water – Water is the key to feeling satisfied and avoid cravings. While it is not necessary to drink water where you are in the restroom all day. Sipping water throughout the day has many health…and beauty…benefits. It detoxes and keeps the body running like a good oil machine.
- Taking Walks – More than just burning calories, walking, before and after meals ideally, are great for the body to digest food and rev up the metabolism. Just 30 minutes a day (or break into incremental 10 minutes a day) and you will see a drop in appetite and your mood lifting. Also walking helps stimulate the lymphatic system, a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste, and other unwanted materials, as well as, and other health benefits.