Running a marathon has now been crossed off our list of fitness goals. It started out as running a half marathon, but after two half marathon and a nagging dad who wanted us to run the LA marathon, we added this to our fitness goals. We kept putting it off, until this year, when we accomplished it on March 18th, 2018. Finishing the stadium to beach course in 5 hours 45 minutes. Admittedly running 26.2 miles always seemed impossible, and it still boggles my mind now that we did it. Coming to realize that all we need is a strong mindset to accomplish any goal. Here are our fitness goals we still want to do:
- Hiking Mount Baldy in California – The mountain is the highest summit in Los Angeles San Gabriel Mountains. It is an 11 mile hike reaching elevations up to 4,193 ft. It can take a beginners like us more than 7 hours. We like this challenge to prepare us one day to hike Machu Picchu in Peru or progress to Mount Whitney (highest peak in Continental US).
- Competing in a Spartan Race – While we may be done with long races, the idea of adding intense obstacle courses seems like a different ball game. And because it’s a new challenge, we want to give it a whirl. We like the idea of adding functional training to our ability to run long distance. Functional training to climb over walls and ropes, or jump over fire…. just badass stuff.
- Training for a Triathlon – This one by far seems the hardest physically. The idea of swimming, running and biking all in one day seems intense. Even harder for us, it will require lots of training and time. However, if I want to test out my mental-fit skills, this has to be a goal of ours.
- Swimming the Alcatraz Sharkfest – While I like to think I maybe a good enough swimmer..being on our high school swim team makes me a professional of course… swimming in cold, shark in fest water, will definitely NOT be easy. The swim is a 1.25 miles from Alcatraz to main land of San Francisco. It’s CRAZY right?? What better way to put our past long distance swimming events to the test it in open waters.
- Power lifting competition – This one maybe only for myself, as I have wanted to take my weightlifting training to a whole new level. Power lifting competition is an individualize competition to lift as much weight for one repetition in the squat, bench press, and deadlift. While the training for this is completely different then the others, it’s the one I have started training already.
On a smaller, and not so crazy goals of ours (that also differ between us):
- Become more flexible to the point where we can touch our toes. We both have very tight hamstrings.
- Do 10 pull-ups. Currently I can do three underhand or neutral grip and Denise one.