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Having a new resolution to lose weight is easier said than done. By February, those ambitions goals to eat healthy, hit the gym every day and other goals start to dwindle. Therefore, I challenge you to take this monthly health challenges to continue the goal till the end of the year. Progress is made by making incremental challenges and adds up to bigger changes.
January – Detox the Body Challenge. A great way to detox after the holidays is cleansing the body. Thus follow these 5 easy steps for a body detox. As a reminder fruits (not juices), stevia, and natural sugars are fine to incorporate.
February – Sign for a Race. Rather it’s a 5k or a half marathon setting a fitness challenge is the best way to get moving.
March – Keep a Daily Diet Journal. Write what you eat after every meal or at the end of day. Best way to find your area of weakness is to become aware of what you eat.
April – 30-day Yoga Challenge. Flexibility is an important to keeping the body agile and preventing injury. Therefore, takes 30 minutes every morning or night with this 30-day yoga series.
May – Eat the Rainbow. Everyday goal is to eat a fruit or vegetable from every color of the rainbow.
June – Focus on the core challenge. Since the core is the base of all workout, focus on getting the core stronger by performing planks every morning. Start at five 30 second planks, resting 30 seconds in between each set and progressing 10 seconds every day. After 3 minutes mark perform plank variations, such as one arm plank, single leg plank, knee-to-inside elbow plank, and other variations.
July – Have No Preservatives in Our Diet. Like January, yet not so restrictive, July a great month to remove preservatives from our diet. Because it is mid-year, its bikini season and face it our body asking for it.
August- Get Stronger Challenge with the 5×5 Challenge. These 5X5 strong lifts that not only focus on the major muscles, but help you get stronger. The goal is twice a week, do a challenging 5 bench press, 5 squats, and 5 deadlifts. And if getting big muscles is not your thing, don’t worry 30 days is not going to make you buff.
September – Learn to Meditate. Learning to work on the health for the mind is equally important as body health. Use any free meditation app or this 30 day youtube meditation series.
October – Incorporate balance training to your workouts. Begin to incorporate one or two one legged exercises to your workouts or any of these 7 exercises to improve balance.
November- 30 days no alcohol or caffeine. Before the holidays, learn to limit the not-so-good drinks we tend to excess on by removing them for 30 days.
December- Join a New Class. Find a class or a type of workout in which you have wanted to join. Here are the newest fitness trends this year.