Most college students don’t realize the value of these years are in building their future career. That college should not be wasted just going to classes, partying or others way to make this time pass. Being focused on getting a degree, you can miss opportunities needed to start the dream career. Here are 3 career advise to know while in college.
Take Group Projects & Presentation Serious.
These are the important skills you’ll be needed once you entered the workforce. Learning how to present yourself in front of a group of people is as valuable as any GPA. Talk to anyone who been in the workforce, and most agree it doesn’t take only brains to move up the career ladder. It takes ability to participate, to engage, to practice being uncomfortable, to teach others, to master content, and list goes on. In group work, don’t be afraid to lead, provide an opinion, work harder than everyone, respect deadlines, and help others who struggle. All skills that are valuable and used later. So next time the teacher assigns either a group project and presentation, use as an opportunity to sharpen skills needed for future workforce.
Internships, Internships, Internships
Its hard not to stress how important internships are during college. Its the only time where you are given career opportunities with little to low experience. It sets you up for a career later by providing networking opportunities or work experience. Also it tells future employers that you are someone who is ambitions outside the classroom.
Actively Seek What You Love
There is no better time in your life to find what you want to do for the rest of your life. Do this by volunteer, study abroad, new hobbies, take other classes, join campus groups, and take-on a part-time jobs. Do not have a tunnel vision to getting that degree. Try to view college as the time to discover your passion, and that will put you ahead of your peers.
Rytasha says
I’m leaving for college in a year and I’ve been really worried thinking about what’s out there in store for me. This post calmed down some of my nerves! says
That is great to hear! College is a great time to explore and figure what you want if you allow yourself 🙂