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Those new to lifting weights or simply want to enhance their workout performance, here is a supplement guide 101. To clarify even more, the list is broken down by two categories essential and non-essential supplements. The essential list consist of supplements good for general health. While the non-essential list are supplements that are geared for muscle building or recovery.
Essential Supplements
Omega-3 Fish Oil
There is along list of Omega-3 oils benefit from reducing inflammatory of the body, heart health, improve skin and nails, and preventing a long list of diseases. Fish oil is the purist concentrated source of omega 3 and highly recommended. It is also aids in fat loss and to support blood circulation to allow protein and carbohydrates to reach muscle. The recommended range is 500 to 1,000 milligrams daily.
Probiotics provides the body with good bacteria that live in the gut. This bacteria helps support immune system and to absorb nutrients. Taking probiotic will make the stomach feel good, provide energy, and digest food efficiently. Learn more about probiotics and its other benefits.
Multivitamins are needed with an already healthy complete diet, by providing body with missing essential micro-nutrient. Best to choose a quality vitamins, as those are sourced from whole food, as oppose to cheap chemicals. For other stuff to look for in a multi-vitamins, here is a great list by the huffington post.
Calcium & Vitamin D
Calcium is an important nutrient in development and maintenance of the body, especially the bones. And while its important for both genders, women contain more estrogen, the hormone that aids in calcium absorption. As estrogen begin to drop in age, the recommended dosage for women older than 50 goes up. So for these women the dosage is is 1,200 mg and for women under 50, it is 1,000 mg. Calcium deficiency are seen in women who exercises heavily and can cause stress fractures in bones, disorders, menstrual cessation or irregularity. And don’t forget to also take a Vitamin D that aids calcium absorption.
Whey Protein Powder
This supplement is essential for those who need help with their protein intake, as it is the foundation to muscle building. Whey protein has a high biological value and not high in fat or carbs. And while its recommended to have protein from whole food sources, it is a convenient way to consume it. If the stomach is a a bit sensitive, an isolated whey protein will work better. To learn more, here is blog post of 3 popular misconceptions about protein.
BCAA (Branch Chain Amino Accids)
This supplement supplies your body with 3 of the 7 essential amino acids to build a complete protein. These 3 aminos, leucine, isoleucine, and valine, help with body recovery and energy. Also keeps the body in a muscle building state, so it is helpful to take during and after the workouts. Read this post to learn more about BCAA benefits and for BCAA gummy bear recipe.
This supplement helps build lean muscle mass and amplify strength gains. Countless studies have shown that creatine can help with sustainable muscle energy to train harder and longer. Also hydrates muscle tissue to build larger muscle mass overtime. Definitely not a miracle supplement, since intense training and healthy diet is required to see result.
L-gluatmines is one of the 7 essential amino acid circulating in the muscle tissue that promotes muscle recovery. As the body is under stress during a workout, it will begin to deplete itself of l-gluatmine. Taking 5 grams 3-4 times per day, the body will have constant supply.
Pre-workout supplement are great for those needing an extra boost before a workout. They can range from natural one, like green tea extract, to more stimulating forms. For those sensitive to caffeine, take a non-stimulating one. And while its main purpose to provide energy, they also have other ingredients to assist the body during workouts, like BCAA, citrulline, and beta alanine.
Fat Loss
There are plenty of fat loss supplements in the market, and some may work if taken along healthy diet and exercise. Natural fat loss supplements are dandelion roots (a natural diuretic), raspberry ketone (increase metabolism), MCT oil (increase food oxidation and reduce food intake), and others listed here. But remember it is only a short term solution, so it is better to build a balance healthy lifestyle then trying any of these.
Please see a professional physician before taking any of these supplements. This post is only meant to be informative.