Being twins ourselves, we have noticed people’s fascination with twins. The idea that there are two people who look and act alike amazes people. You can’t even imagine how many times my sister and I get asked, “Are you guys twins?” followed by the typical twin questions. So I thought I would share the answers to the common twin questions we get asked daily.
What does it feel like to be the twin?
Our answer: For us we don’t know what it feels like not being a twin, but what we can say it has it’s goods and bads. The good is we entered the world with our best friend, so we’ve never felt alone. The bad, it’s hard to have your own identity since people automatically think of us as one person. Just ask my family and friends who only refer to us as “twins”.

Who was born first?
Our answer: Danni was born 5 minutes before I was. Even with that short age difference Danni takes the role of the older sister. The crazy thing is whenever people guess who’s the oldest, they always guess right. It’s like my sister as an air of maturity about her that people sense.
Are you guys fraternal or identical?
Our answer: We don’t know. This is odd since most twins are told at birth, but our doctor forgot to tell my parents. We assume we’re fraternal since twins run in our family. Unlike identical twins, fraternal genes are hereditary. Although we aren’t mirror images of each other, we do share a lot of similarities.
Are you guys close?
Our answer: Yes, very close, but we aren’t attach to the hip. We don’t mind having some separation from each other, if anything we welcome it. We even went to two different universities to make sure we had our own separate experiences.
Do your boyfriends ever confuse you guys?
Our answer: Of course not! To our boyfriends we look and act very different. Even people who are close to us can identify us by our voices.

Do we like being twins?
Our answer: Just like the first question, we don’t have anything to compare it to. But what can say is it has its advantages. For example, since Danni and I have similar interest and taste we can always get excited about the same things. Another advantage is Danni is the perfect travel companion. Since we think so much a like, it’s like traveling on your own, but you share the memories with someone else.
Have you guys ever switched or played tricks on people?
Our answer: I wish we had a great story for people, but the answer is no. We’ve thought about it, yet have never gone through with it. The only time looking alike is useful, is when one of us forgets our ID at a bar.
What is the most annoying part about being a twin?
Our answer: The amount of times in a day we get ask “Are you guys twins?” followed by a conversation with a stranger. Also growing up, if one of us got in trouble by our parents the other did too…unfair I know!
Do you guys want twins?
Our answer: Hell no! Unless it’s a boy and girl maybe, but even than who wants to have two crying babies at the same time.