If you ever find yourself watching TV and think I can be working out right now. Why not do both? I wanted to share a quick booty workout while in the comfort of your own home. Best to do these exercise with an ankle weight or a cable to add resistance. However, if you have none, just increase the repetition. High reps is a great way to add intensity, and it gets the blood flowing to give the booty a pump.
Do a few non-weighted squats for one minute.
Next minute, alternate between front and back lunge.
Next minute, side to side lunges. Now we warmed all directions of the hip flexors, lets do some static stretched like this one, this one, and this one.
Each exercise 4 sets of 15 reps for each exercise (15 for each leg):
Exercise 1: Glute Kickbacks
Tip: Do not loose the tension, tighten the core and push thru the glutes, as if your pushing something up to the ceiling. Lift till the thigh is parallel to the ground and release. On the last rep, add a couple partial reps for an added pump.
Exercise 2: Fire Hydrants
Tip: Just like the kickback, do not loose the tension, tighten the core and push thru the abductor muscle (outer glute muscle). Lift the leg up till the thigh will be perpendicular to the ground and release.
Exercise 3: Butt Lifts
Tip: Push thru your heels, keep the back straight, and tighten the core. At the height of the lift, squeeze the glute for one second before releasing down to the floor. This exercise can be done with a single leg for added difficulty or suspended by placing your feet on a chair.
Exercise 4: Side-Lying Leg Lifts
Tips: Same tips as the leg lift. These abducter muscle are smaller then the glute muscles, so less weight is need. Lift leg by pushing thru your abductor muscle, till you have a 45 degree, and release.
Exercise 5: Standing Leg Lifts
Tip: Do not use momentum to get the leg lift, slow down and squeeze on top. If balance is a problem, hold on to a steady surface. Push thru the heel, feet pointed out and lift.