Anyone else HATES cooking on the weekends? On the weekends, I not only hate cooking, but I hate having to clean up and usually sick of the food in my fridge. When I first started this healthy lifestyle, dining out meant I was going to cheat and indulge. Because once I saw what others ordered…there was no stopping me! Let’s just say I can EAT!
Over these past two years, I have developed a few tips to find a middle ground between enjoying dining out and staying on track. Here are five tips on navigating the tempting world of restaurant menus and staying healthy.
Tip 1: Look at the menu and choose before arriving. Once you arrive, try not to look at the menu. This will prevent the “hunger” from taking over. By choosing ahead of time, presumably when you are not as hungry, you can make the healthier choice.
Tip 2: Never be afraid to ask for substitutions. Ask to substitute one of the heavy starchy carbs sides for a salad or veggies. It never hurts to ask and it can save you a lot of calories.
Tips 3: Have a veggie pre-snack before-hand. If you know you may be starving when you finally get seated. Bring some cucumbers, carrot sticks, celery to avoid diving into the bread basket. Even drinking some water can do the trick.
Tip 4: Look out for hidden sugars or fats. Opt out of creamy sauces or dressing because they often are full of sugars. Salads, especially, are sneaking in adding up those calories. Also ask how they cook the meat, and if possible, ask to cook the meat in less oil.
Tip 5: Choose the protein and a veggie option. People are always surprise how I can find the healthy option in the menu. I just look for the plate that has only protein and veggies. So at Mexican restaurant, I get the fajita plate (no tortilla), for breakfast, the veggie omelette, for Italian restaurants, the chicken picatta with no sauce, and for Mediterranean restaurant, well… just about everything.
And here is bonus tip.
Tip 6: Learn balance. It is okay to say yes to the slightly higher caloric plate, if it is not late and you been eating healthy. Enjoy a piece of dessert by sharing it with others, or if sharing is not your thing, skip the bread basket and pasta plate. Basically choose your vice and be ok with it.