One compliment we often receive, is how great are shoulders look. And while I would have to give some credit to our genetics, we also have worked hard on toning and building our deltoids muscles, aka shoulders.
So here are our top 5 shoulders exercises, and some tips, to build the shoulder muscle. Click on the exercise to view proper form.
1. Standing Barbell Military Press
- Squeezing the scapular, aka shoulder blades, together. This will allow the delts to do most of the work, as oppose to the more dominate trapezoid muscles.
- Although, there are benefits to partial reps, its best to lower the barbell to the collar bone to get the full range of motion and therefore benefits.
- Keep the trunk of the body as tight as possible to push through the shoulders. This exercise also becomes a core workout as the body is forced to stabilizing it self.
2. Dumbbell Side Laterals
- When raising the weight, ensure that your elbows are higher than your wrist, and lead with elbows, as if your pouring water.
- Lift the weights to the side of the body beginning at 30 degrees from the body to no more than shoulder height to stay in the tension zone.
- Keep you body steady to avoid using momentum to lift the weights.
- These muscles are not large, there is no need to lift heavy weights. Between 5 to 15 pounds is all that is needed.
3. Arnold Presses
- Similar to military press except this exercise hits all three sides of the delts: the front, middle, and the rear head. Start by having the dumbbell in front of your upper chest, and arm curl up like if your doing bicep curl.
- Slow down with this exercise, not only because you can injure yourself, but you want all three heads to be incorporated in the motion.
4. Cable Rear Delt Flys
- To allow the rear delts to take control, lengthen the upper back and tighten the triceps. This allows to rear delts to be at full advantage.
- To stay in the tension zone of this exercise, start in line with your front delt and only move slightly outside of the shoulder.
- Again this exercise needs little weight to feel the resistance. Actually it is quite hard to do this exercise if using more resistance than needed.
5. Barbell Up Right Rows
- Don’t let the elbows go past your shoulders, to both avoid injury and to stay in the tension zone.
- Again like most exercise, squeeze the shoulder blades together, and keep the bar close to the body to engage the delts.
- Keep hands slightly closer than shoulder length apart, if the hands are to close it becomes more of a upper back exercise.