In the month of April, I did the Cory Gregory Squat Everyday plan from to help me build muscles on my legs. The plan incorporates squats every workout for 4 week and changes up the squat variations to hit different muscles on the legs. I didn’t stick to the plan hundred percent, but I was able to see improvements. I also did take away 3 key lessons.
ONE: Practice does make perfect
Before this plan I had a tendency to squat pushing my knees out instead of pushing my hips back. Squatting almost every day allowed me to focus on my form and constantly make adjustments, eventually seeing massive improvements. I started putting less pressure on my knees and using my hamstrings and glutes to help me lift. Now I can squat lower than I ever have.
TWO: Better form means lifting heavier
Having long legs was never a complaint of mine until squatting low seemed impossible. Having long legs meant more balance and more strength to bring my glute lower to the ground. So I stayed away from heavier weights afraid that I wouldn’t be able to come back up. As my form improved my fear went away and I started adding more weight. By the end I was able to hit a new personal record.
THREE: Foam rolling really does ease the pain
I have a bad habit of not rolling out the knots on my leg muscles, especially my knees. Although Dani is constantly reminding me that it takes the 10 minutes after my workout to form roll. As I continued the plan my joints started to become more and more painful, due to all the knot build up and the added pressure on my knee caps. Eventually I started foam rolling and the pain went away. Who knew it was that simple!
– Denise
No matter how you do it, losing weight is an individual thing. Friends can help you but they can’t lose the weight for you. You’ve got to take charge of your weight loss from the beginning if you want to get serious about losing weight. The following tips will help.
Completely agree! Its all up to you.