My sister and I wanted to share our weight loss story, so our readers can get to know us a better. Like most women, we have struggled with our body image as long as I can remember. We have never been extremely over weight, but since we carry our fat in our torso, we have never had an ideal body. Although this might not seem terrible to many, it’s been hard for us to accept.
In high school and into college, we saw biggest weight gain during those years. This was hard on our self-esteem. Between our college years and mid twenties our weight fluctuated as we experimented with different types of workouts, like boot camps and P90X. Our diets consisted of any normal twenty year old diets, and eating healthier meant more salads and lean cuisines. As hard as we worked for a great body, we never saw any real results.
Three years ago when my sister started weight training and learning nutrition. This changed her habits and off course once I saw my sister’s lifestyle change, I followed suit like most twins do.

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I wish I could say we transformed over night, like most Instagram before and after photos, but for us it’s been a long journey. Last three years we have progressively learned what eating healthy really means and how to properly lift weights to see results. Most importantly we’ve learned to take time to learn our bodies and see what works for us. Not all diets and workouts are meant for everyone, but a fitness routine and proper nutrition will get you to a healthier life. We are still working hard to hit our goal weight and maybe one-day show off nice chiseled abs. Even if we don’t ever have them, we grown to love the healthier lifestyle and how it makes us feel.

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We hope through this blog to build a community of girls who aim to be healthy and inspire others. And to always try to be the best version of us.

Left 2011 and Right 2015