I want to share some of my own tips and other tips that I hope to start doing myself in order to promote a healthy environment. We all struggle with cravings, laziness, and other temptations that will veer us off our road to fitness. While its normal to fall off the healthy wagon once and while, consistency is key. Best way to stay on track is to create an environment for healthy living.
Only Keep Healthy Snacks In Your Home
My sister and I are constantly get cravings for high sugary snacks, but since we don’t keep them in our place we substitute those cravings for either fruit or even peanut butter.
Meal Prepping, Meal Prepping, Meal Prepping
This is a vital step to clean eating because it makes meal planning convenient. Try to switch up every once in a while so you don’t get sick of the same food. Check out our previous post on grocery list for meal prepping.
Make Healthy Snacks
Meal prepping shouldn’t just include the main meals but also snacks. I like to prepare my snacks early in the week and add them to mini Tupperware so once I’m leaving to work I just grab and go. My go-to snacks are nuts and sliced apples.
Leave Your At Home Gym Equipment in a Convent Location
Store your weights or other equipment in a place that you can easily grab for when your watching tv or when you have a few extra minutes you can do a mini workout. I like to have my pull up bar near my bathroom door, so at least once a day I practice doing pull up.
Try to limit your TV time
What I do is only allow myself 1 or 2 shows at a time so I can make sure I have time for the gym. Another trick I do is watch my shows while doing stair master and on commercials breaks I increase the speed. That ways I kill two birds with one stone.
Inspiration Board
This doesn’t have to be an art project of cut out magazine photos. For my sister it’s a white board with an inspirational quote and her goals. Just having something in front of your face to remind you why you should put down that cookie and go to the gym.
Stay Away From Cooking Shows or Foodie Social Media Accounts
This might be an odd one but studies have shown that watching cooking related shows or foodie Instagram accounts will actually increase your cravings to eat. I know I can be victim to this when it comes to food blogs so I just prefer to stay far away.
Always Have Water Near You
My sister and I always have our big 24 oz protein shakers with us filled with water. That way as we are watching TV, running errands, or just cleaning we are constantly sipping on water.
Maintaining a Balance
While meal prepping helps keep you on track at work, it is still hard to avoid a lunch outing or break room temptations. Balance is essential part of a healthy lifestyle so don’t always feel the need to say “no,” just learn to limit the portions.
Navigating Restaurants
Before we go out to a restaurant, my sister and I normally look at the menu ahead of time and pick out a healthy option. Because when your at the restaurant hungry its harder to not be tempted. Find something that has fresh ingredients and balance of protein, good carbs and fat. And do not be afraid to ask for healthy substitutes.